People who visit me during depression

Visit from Outside

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The Ladder People’s Visit

Place­hold­er for the Lad­der People

Only on super rare occa­sions would some­one come down into my well. That first vis­it had me shocked that some­body could actu­al­ly reach me all the way down here. And con­nect! Instead of lean­ing over the ledge to look down or sit­ting on the ledge with their backs to me, these peo­ple extend­ed a lad­der into my depres­sion hole and prop­er­ly vis­it­ed me. Not only were they capa­ble of enter­ing my domain but they were empa­thet­ic. They lis­tened and talked to me. Not at me. Nev­er once mak­ing me feel like they didn’t believe me. Nor did they ever give me the feel­ing that it was my fault or had any­thing to do with me as an indi­vid­ual. I knew I could trust this kind of per­son.

Inter­act­ing with Lad­der peo­ple was dif­fer­ent because they saw that all I need­ed was some­one to lis­ten and believe me. These peo­ple actu­al­ly under­stood that giv­ing me time and space to express how I felt was all I need­ed. I did­n’t have to be this cheer­ful ver­sion of myself for them to feel com­fort­able. None of this tox­ic ‘I only do pos­i­tiv­i­ty, keep your neg­a­tiv­i­ty to your­self while I share all of the bad stuff that’s hap­pe­nend to me’ type of think­ing. You could say that they noticed my cup was emp­ty and didn’t think twice to pour a lit­tle from theirs. Tak­ing time out of their sched­ule to just lis­ten. It nev­er was about telling me what to do or leav­ing their emo­tion­al garbage for me to sort out. No mat­ter at what lev­el in my depres­sion hole I was they’d want to spend time regard­less.

Lad­der Peo­ple vis­its would bring me slight­ly clos­er to the sur­face and left me feel­ing a bit bet­ter. Things always seemed brighter after them stop­ping by. It was also through them that I real­ized I didn’t have to stay stuck in this depres­sion hole. There was a way out. The lad­der they used how­ev­er was only meant to be used by them. I would have to learn to cre­ate my own if I want­ed to suc­cess­ful­ly climb in and out.

To be continued…

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- Depres­sion
- Sabo­teur

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