
Want to be an Advocate for Carney Complex?
Don’t know where to start? Look here!

There isn’t much about Car­ney Com­plex on social media. The only way to get the word out is to cre­ate con­tent for oth­ers to use and share. This is why I want to share some of my work, I did for the Car­ney Com­plex Com­mu­ni­ty, with you.

Feel free to my shear­ables under one con­di­tion:
Pla­gia­rism is prac­tised a lot on social media. IMHO it’s not about who had the idea first but hon­or­ing and acknowl­edg­ing the fact that some­one put time and effort into cre­at­ing some­thing that inspired you. There are a lot of peo­ple out there with sim­i­lar ideas but with­out the tools, skills or means to cre­ate.
And that’s ok, we all have things we can and can’t do. I would love to see peo­ple tak­ing ideas (text, designs, etc.), I’ve worked on, fur­ther and using it as a base of inspi­ra­tion to express their ideas on the same or a sim­i­lar top­ic.

All I ask is that you add the infor­ma­tion of where you found the mate­r­i­al (source) that inspired you and that you choose to share: you could tag me in your post on social media, men­tion my blog or even bet­ter ref­er­ence the Car­ney Com­plex Com­mu­ni­ty Web­site.

The rea­son why this is so impor­tant to me is because I am dis­abled. I know, I don’t look or act it but spend 24h with me and you’ll soon see why. Cre­at­ing some­thing takes me longer than it would a healthy per­son and involves a lot of ener­gy.

Let’s inspire and uplift each other!

Carney Complex Awareness Day


This is just a small selec­tion of the designs I made for Aware­ness Day. To see more vis­it the Car­ney Com­plex Aware­ness Page on facebook.

Coverphoto for your facebook wall

Frames for profile pictures on facebook

Facebook Camera Frame

Say ‘Thank You!’ by sharing a CNC Clover

Share it direct­ly from the
the Car­ney Com­plex Aware­ness Page by click­ing here.

Share a fun fact

Share­able from here.
